'People often push through, squatting as much weight as possible but this impacts their squat form. These tips can help you to improve your form and reduce the injuries from squatting. #ProgressNotPerfection #SquatForm #GymForm Don\'t forget to like, comment & subscribe. Connect with me and fire over any questions. INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/whittaker_f... FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/whittakerfit... WEBSITE: https://whittakerfitness.com Please only attempt exercises from this video if you are fit to do so, if unsure please consult your health care professional first! Music: https://www.bensound.com'
Tags: squat , reduce injury , squat form , gym form , less injuries
See also: Fitness Girls , chor , punch bag workout , serie , FitFam , aerobic exercise , full day of eating , physiq , ejercicios de tonificacion , tar